“I’m thrilled you are here. Please stay awhile and look around at all the awesome Pups I’ve worked with! You’ll find inspiration and goodness.”
Board & Train
I will keep your pup at my place and train them to be that amazing dog you have always wanted. No matter the type of dog and their situation or issues, I will care for and train them to your specific requirements based on your families life style!
Service Dog Training
Helping those with Disabilities train their dog or a new one to do specific tasks. Every dog requires different amounts of time and effort to obtain these skills.
Rehabilitation & Therapy for your Pup
As a LMT (Licensed Massage Therapist) and Rehabilitation expert, I will help your dog heal from all types of physical, mental and anxiety or separation anxiety issues.
House / Pet Sitting
I will come to your home and care for your Furbabies and your home as well. I can do training there as well. It makes it a lot more efficient of a transition back to the owners.
Training at your place
I come out to your home, office, park or anywhere you would like your dog to be trained.
Online / Phone Training
Let me help train your dog right over your computer or phone.
Day / Night Care
Drop off Services
Book a free consultation
  • House Sitting and Board & Train
  • Aggressive Behavior
  • Reactive to other dogs
  • Anxiety / Separation Anxiety
  • House Breaking
  • Pulling On Leash
  • Biting / Nipping
  • Barking
  • Jumping on People, Counters and others
  • Eating stuff off the floor
  • Aches and Pains
  • Running out the Door
  • Food and eating issues
  • and much more…